Friday, February 26, 2021


I don’t like doing this at night. It puts me in a bad mood. These stats were updated at 2:34 p.m. 

14-day changes

32% Cases
30% Hospitalizations
22% Deaths

7-day daily averages

69,450 Cases Feb. 25. Up.
55,930 Hospitalizations. Down. Not as much as Cases, but more than Deaths.
2,165 Deaths. Down. Down just twenty-three but Down.

3.87% Deaths-Hospitalizations rate. Up.


77,291 new Cases reported Feb. 25. Up. Up for the fourth straight day but tiny up.

2,417 Deaths. Down substantially. The 3,230 spike on Feb. 24 is suspicious to me. It’s bookended by 2,350 on Feb. 23 and 2,417 Feb. 25. I have deja vu that I have written that same thing recently(?) but I don’t see a similar pattern in the Johnnies graph.
