Saturday, February 25, 2023

FT Charlotte 108 Miami 103

The execrable +/- stat still appears in every box score. I hate it but, channeling Louis CK, it is there. So, I look. Something you don't often see in any losing team's box score you see tonight: all of our starters save Bam (-15) were in the black. The "Heat" lost the game from its bench (according to +/-): Oladipo -18, Donut -17 (If there were records kept on this Donut's -17 in just 6' play would land him in the HOF), C-Mart -10. The Composer -8. The only reserve in the + was Z, +2. The "Heat" bench's total +/- was -51. Chazz went 4-deep on their bench and had a cumulative +41. For what it may be worth that is the tale of +/- metric tonight.