Sunday, February 26, 2023

We're not good

Let us count the ways (on COVID)

-We're not good at "counting."-When we do try again to count we're not good at getting the things to count. "Reported death figures have been artificially low in recent weeks due to delays in processing data from a C.D.C. source."
-"We are uncertain whether wearing masks or N95/P2 respirators helps to slow the spread of respiratory viruses based on the studies we assessed."
-We don't know what a "vaccine" is. We came up with chemical cocktails that are very good at preventing the most serious results of COVID-19 infection but are leaky in preventing contracting and spread and not good a'tall at preventing us from "feeling shitty." We were once so confident that the vaccines prevented contracting, spread and feeling shitty that we said we no longer had to mask. Then "breakthrough" infections in Barnstable County occurred and we were said "better mask up"; now, "we are uncertain" that masks help "slow the spread."
-We have "low confidence" that COVID-19 leaked accidentally from the Wuhan lab--but that is the "most likely"; no, we have "moderate confidence" in a lab leak; no, "low confidence" that the virus jumped species.

Other than that we're good.