Friday, February 17, 2023

So Ann Coulter: 

Nikki Haley, a "bimbo", a "preposterous creature," "should go back to her own country." "This is my country, lady. I'm not an American Indian. (deliberately inverting Indian American). What's with the worshipping of the cows? Did you know they have a rat temple, where they worship rats?"

So, Ann Coulter.

I have sort of felt bad for Coulter—NOW DON’T GO ALL MEDIEVAL ON ME!—nobody likes her, not even Trump, nobody loves her, she has never been married. That's comme ci, comme รงa being unlikable and unlovable. 

I think Coulter does what she does for attention, mistaking that for like or love. Coulter is 61 years old and to me she’s an aging political porn star, having ever more outrageous political sex on stage and finding her audiences smaller and her stages seedier and her venues in more out-of-the-way clubs as she gets older and loses her political sex appeal.

I wonder what is act with her and if there’s a “real” there somewhere or if it’s act all the way down, even in her personal life. Her virulent racist, anti-immigration, xenophobic rants, here on India; and yet she was engaged to Dinesh D’Souza, an "American Indian" like Haley, dated porn empire heir Bob Guccione, Jr., dated, maybe still dates, a dark-skinned Black former child actor. Those are not real lovers, those are the male leads in fetish porn videos. Like Peter Sellers, who admitted that there was no him removed from his roles.