Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Soul of America.

Americans will be giving half a billion dollars in aid to Egypt, Secretary of State John Kerry announced this weekend in Cairo. It is in the "interests" of the United States to do this, it restores some of the withheld American "influence" in Egypt. It is the "pragmatic" thing to do. It enables Americans to pursue their happiness more. And more and more and more.

The American birth "right:" conceived in paranoia, born to parents Ignorance and Lies, the pursuit of happiness at the soul of America has produced predictably a creature who has matured into Cynical Arrogance.

Three years after President Barack Obama...paused...and then demanded Hosni Mubarak's ouster, one year after General Virginity Check ousted democratically-elected President Muhammad Morsi, a year that saw 1,000 or more members of the Muslim Brotherhood killed, the organization outlawed, its remaining live leaders, including Morsi, on or awaiting trial, two weeks after the inaugural "celebrations" in Tahir Square resulted in the gang rape of several Egyptian women, and in a week in which the death sentences of hundreds of 2013 protesters were affirmed, the American people are back to supporting another Egyptian "strong man," President Virginity Check.

Cynical business those "self-evident truths." Cynical, cynical business.