Saturday, April 18, 2015

Iran Negotiations.

This thing is deader than a door nail, folks. Whatever "say" the Senate has been granted over it, there has been a public debate since "Parameters" was announced and the Obamas continue to lose the debate. If it comes to a vote, that is, if there is a signed agreement, the Senate will say nay. The Iranians have acknowledged this. In a speech this week Iranian President Help•Info reiterated that all sanctions must end at once with the signing of an agreement. That stands no chance with Democrats or Republicans.

I have a question: If it's doa in the USA is it really, most sincerely dead? Russia delivered anti-aircraft missiles to Iran this week on its own, sort of like a down payment on the lifting of sanctions and Help•Info said in the same speech,

"We declare to you that we are not negotiating with the U.S. Senate or the House of Representatives. The party we are negotiating with is called the P5-plus-1 group.”

If there is no agreement acceptable to the U.S., can there nonetheless be an agreement with a P4+1 or a P5+0? I don't know is the answer to that at the start of this answer. Maybe I'll get better.

I did a little research (and it hurt my head.) The P5+1 are the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany. So it's the UN that is negotiating this through the designated representatives of the Security Council members plus Germany and Iran? If that is true that makes some sense since the UN has voted numerous sanctions against Iran, any one of which was subject to veto by any member of the Security Council so why not just grasp the nettle and we six negotiate an end to sanctions on our own sort of as subcontractors. ?

However that might be how does this work if the U.S. doesn't agree? Let's say on July 1 Kerry has gone home, can the P5+0+Iran announce The Real Deal? The Real Deal would be lifting all of those UN sanctions some sort of way. Since Iran sanctions were agreed by the UN without veto by any Security Council member can any UN Iran sanction be lifted without agreement by a Security Council member, that is the U.S.? Apparently because Russia did it this week. Can the U.S. veto The Real Deal in the UN? Is The Real Deal subject to formal vote by the UN, in the UN? I don't know and now I'm at the end of the answer. My head hurts worse.