Saturday, April 18, 2015

"The Gypsies."-Angus Fraser.

Just how much the aldermen of Damme felt they were under pressure can be imagined from the accounts for 1460, when the town was visited seven times in all by Gypsy bands. :) In that year we read of the arrival of 'a lord from Little Egypt named Count Jehan' who was there for the fifth time. (He-he-he.) He was obliged to promise 'under threat of certain punishments and UNDER PENALTY OF HIS LIFE' (He-he-he, emphasis added, Oh God.) that 'neither he himself nor any other people from his native country would return to this town within the forthcoming year.' Nevertheless some days later another 'lord from Little Egypt, named Count Nicolao', descended upon them.

He got alms too (Oh my God.), 'on condition that he would march past this town with his people without halting...

...or camping'. Scarcely had he left than Count Jehan reappeared;
firm restrictions were put on his stay.