Sunday, October 11, 2015

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"

Oh, sports fans. There is an excellent site "T.W.I.S.," "This Week in Schadenfreude," that curates the "best" from the crazies, er scholar-fanatics, who lurk on college football message boards.

A Mississippi fan after the loss to Florida:

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
I got a lot of opinions about the game but fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."

Omg, sounds like me.

From "Domer Domain" after Notre Dame's loss to Clemson:

"[Coach Brian] Kelly must be a subterranean eel. Leave him on the tarmac."

From ND Nation:

"I feel like I'm locked in a 5 Stages of Grieving looped tape of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and Iook around this small room with no window and no doors and Sartre taps out a message from an adjoining cell that reads "No...Exit."

I see. Yeah, thanks for your contribution. That's Notre Dame-speak for "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."

Corn Nation after the Illinois loss:

"I'm gonna go kick some puppies now."


"F Riley [Coach Mike]
F Eichorst [Athletic Director Shawn]
F Perlman [Chancellor Harvey]


Fire this staff holy f#*k what garbage
fire riley now.
fire this coaching staff.
A loss to Illinois is unforgivable.
Game over. We lost to Illinois. Fire everyone"


Georgia fans, Dawg Sports. First fan:

"Richt can't coach, so he will always lose these games.
Recruiter- A
Coach - F
Results - C
Christian- N/A.. This is football, NOT CHURCH."

Second fan:

"I can't do it anymore.
Heart can't take it. I'm watching Harry Potter with the kids."

Third fan:

"things that are more enjoyable than watching this game
1. Rubbing feces in my hair

2. Huffing dog farts from a plastic bag

3. Shaving my scrotum with a rusty knife
4. Being trapped in an elevator with Rosie O'Donnell.
5. Funnelling a gallon of pepto bismol
6. Wearing a wool jock strap on a hot and muggy day"

That's Nobel literature stuff there. Great collection T.W.I.S.--and great work fans! I can't post a link to the site, there is no separate link, it is part of