Saturday, January 16, 2016

David Roberts' article was written January 8, a lifetime ago, before the last debate, the successful shivving of Ted Cruz, the latest polls. As a New Republic writer commented it looks like Trump will win Iowa and New Hampshire. He, the New Republic guy, also said he doubted this statement by Roberts:

"All it takes to disprove it is a single loss."

I agree with the New Republic guy on that, I think that was an unfortunate statement by Roberts, but I think the rest of Roberts' article is spot-on. The problem with Roberts' statement is that a "loss" is not so easy to define in the early contests. Bill Clinton came in second in New Hampshire and became the "Comeback Kid." So, given the way the polls are now if Trump came in second in Iowa that would not end his winner's aura. The whole upper half of the goddamned field is going to claim some sort of win in Iowa. If Trump were to lose New Hampshire though, given his current standing in the polls there, that would be a shock, that would qualify as a real "loss." The point is, to lose his winner's aura and to lose the appeal that comes with it, Trump must be humbled. He has to lose one contest badly or lose several of them. And the attacks that will work on Trump will be the kind that puncture his aura. He is tall, rich, handsome, successful, strong, "masculine," as David Roberts says...If in his Studio 54 days or on any other day, he sucked one dick...