Saturday, January 02, 2016

How's your day going? Better than these guys', I bet:

Donald Trump featured in new jihadist recruitment video
-Washington Post.
lol. You knew that was coming. "See, I was right," Hillary Clinton can say now.

Turkey Says President’s Hitler Comment Was ‘Distorted’


Tayyip! The funny thing is, no one seems clear on the meaning of what he said. From the Quasi's:

...he cited Hitler in response to a question about whether a strong presidency was possible in Turkey...

Mr. Erdogan, who is pushing to imbue the largely ceremonial presidency with sweeping executive powers, told reporters late Thursday that “there are already examples in the world.”

“You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany,” he said.

So...Hitler is an example of what he is trying to do in Turkey? 

Mr. Erdogan did not elaborate, but his comparison to Hitler drew immediate criticism because of what many view as his increasing authoritarianism. His comment also raised the issue of how the leader of one of the world’s most influential countries, an American ally and member of NATO, would mention Hitler in the context of his own tenure.

Good, Tayyip! 

Comparing the president and Hitler, one person wrote on Twitter, “The difference is that Hitler was a bit shorter.”

Oh, capital job there, Quasi's, capital job. That's how their article ends. That is priceless. Very well done. 

Penn State quarterback Christian Hackenberg ruled out of the TaxSlayer Bowl


lolol, "TaxSlayer Bowl." To state the obvious, no one should ever voluntarily attend Penn State, ergo Christian Hackenberg should not have attended Penn State. But he did. Young people make mistakes and he did. Since all young people make mistakes we as a society try not to make those mistakes too costly. In this one we failed. Hackenberg was a star recruit coming out of high school, could have gone anywhere, and from there to the NFL, chose Penn State, had a brilliant first year, but then his coach left for the NFL his own self. Hackenberg regressed under new coach James Franklin, his career plans took a hit, and he took many, many hits, he spent much of his time regressing flat on his back on the field, repeatedly planted there by opposing players. Miraculously he avoided serious injury until today, the last game he would play before, presumably, declaring his intention to leave ISIS for the NFL. The seriousness of the injury has not been revealed yet but it is to the shoulder of his throwing arm. 

Your day's been better than those three guys', I hope.