Friday, January 01, 2016

SS Eastland Disaster.

Okay. In July of 2015 I posted a remembrance of this, cum outraged commentary. In November I posted a similar remembrance of the sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald. I ran across a horrifying simulation of the Fitzgerald disaster. Just yesterday I saw a simulation of the Eastland. To recall for you, the Eastland capsized while being MOORED! in a FUCKING RIVER! THAT WAS 20' DEEP!!!!!! That's alright, ONLY 844 PEOPLE WERE DROWNED!!!!! As compared with 29 in the Fitz. People done forgot about the Eastland. Well, it was 100 years ago. CHICAGO FORGOT ABOUT THE FUCKING EASTLAND ABOUT 99 YEARS AGO.

In choosing among stupid acts of Chicago resulting in holocausts you have the Eastland and the Iroquois fire (602 dead). It's not really a contest: For sheer Chicago Retardation, the Eastland takes the cake. Here is the simulation video:

Now, if that doesn't make you want to punch your computer...Well, you have greater forbearance than do I.

Chicago, you are a fucking abortion of a city.