Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Election Was Rigged

The FBI opened an investigation into Trump-Russia on July 31, 2016, over three months before the United States of America succumbed to attack and ceased to exist.

The FBI got right on that baby--flew to London to interview the Australian ambassador,

"who had evidence that one of Donald J. Trump’s advisers [George Papadopoulos] knew in advance about Russian election meddling."

This has been secret until now. Yeah! Sure has. All we heard in the Summer of '16 was how the FBI was all over Hillary Clinton. Why was the FBI all public all the time on Clinton and all secretive on the Lunatic? Inquiring minds would like to know. This is "certain to renew debate over decisions by the F.B.I. director at the time, James B. Comey, to publicly chastise Mrs. Clinton in a news conference, and then announce the reopening of the investigation days before Election Day. Mrs. Clinton has said those actions buried her presidential hopes."

"Those decisions stand in contrast to the F.B.I.’s handling of [Trump-Russia]. Not only did agents in [Trump-Russia]  fall back to their typical policy of silence, but interviews with a dozen current and former government officials and a review of documents show that the F.B.I. was even more circumspect in that case than has been previously known.

"Fearful of leaks, they kept details from political appointees across the street at the Justice Department. Peter Strzok, a senior F.B.I. agent, explained in a text that Justice Department officials would find it too “tasty” to resist sharing. “I’m not worried about our side,” he wrote."

No! No reason to worry about the FBI doing a thing like that to Trump since we're only finding out about this now. Comey, why you no tell us this in "A Higher Loyalty"? 

The facts, had they surfaced, might have devastated the Trump campaign: Mr. Trump’s future national security adviser was under investigation, as was his campaign chairman. One adviser appeared to have Russian intelligence contacts. Another was suspected of being a Russian agent himself.

I am sick to my stomach.

To close the national security investigation on Candidate "A," Hillary Clinton, Comey held a press conference--without telling Justice--on July 5, exonerating HRC but giving Trump a major political issue by calling HRC "extremely careless." Then, 11 days before the election COMEY REOPENS THE CLINTON INVESTIGATION. To open an investigation on Candidate "B," a LUNATIC, on July 31, Comey goes all this here.

Talk to me, Comey. To what "Higher Loyalty" were you paying fealty with those behaviors? It wasn't this:

“The mission of the FBI is to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.”

No, it wasn't that, HOO-DOGGIE. 

Comey answers that question throughout the book: The FBI's. "The credibility of the institutions of justice was at stake," in restarting the HRC investigation on October 28. "What would happen to the FBI, the Justice Department..."

Now, this is rich, this is the rest of that quote from page 195:

"...or [Clinton's] own presidency if it later was revealed, after the fact, that she was still a subject of an FBI investigation?"

"What if, after the election, we actually found information that demonstrated prosecutable criminal activity?"

AS IT WAS when a certain LUNATIC got selected president instead!

"No matter what we found, that act of concealment would be catastrophic..."

Yeah, it was! No, wait--not catastrophic to the COUNTRY,

"...that act of concealment would be catastrophic to the INTEGRITY OF THE FBI AND THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE." (196)

The soul, "the animating principle" of James B. Comey was to protect the FBI. On the decision to hold the July 5 press conference:

"I wanted as much feedback as possible, with one big exception: to protect the FBI's independence...I didn't want the Department of Justice to know what we were doing."

What has happened to the FBI under the LUNATIC, Jimbo? Havin' fun yet? 

In the Clinton case, Mr. Comey has said he erred on the side of transparency. But in the face of questions from Congress about the Trump campaign, the F.B.I. declined to tip its hand. And when The New York Times tried to assess the state of the investigation in October 2016, law enforcement officials cautioned against drawing any conclusions, resulting in a story that significantly played down the case.

Hmm, Caution. We doth not tip our hand. Caution. Do not draw conclusions that LUNATIC is RUSSIAN AGENT. Caution. Ha-ha! Jimbo, the ex-Quasi's got some beez in their bonnet. Your Cautions caused them to "significantly" down play the seriousness of Trump-Russia. The whole, well half, the fucking country's got some bees in their bonnet from you misleading us you fucking scarecrow of a string bean jackanapes MOTHER FUCKER!

[Comey says he] did not make political considerations about who would benefit from each decision.

But underpinning both cases was one political calculation: that Mrs. Clinton would win and Mr. Trump would lose. Agents feared being seen as withholding information or going too easy on her. And they worried that any overt actions against Mr. Trump’s campaign would only reinforce his claims that the election was being rigged against him.

So Comey rigged it for him. Do you see that, Jimbo? You don't, do you. Just dumb as a bag of rocks, aren't you, James? Just can't grab your ass with both hands. Comey, let's go back to square one:

“The mission of the FBI is to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.”

YOU FAILED. And, Mr. Comey, you were forewarned. Remember? You were forewarned in the discussions into re-starting the Clinton investigation on October 28 by, as you write on page 196,

"one of the lawyers on the team...a brilliant and quiet person" who "asked a searing question":

"Should you consider that what you are about to do may help elect Donald Trump president?"

And what was your answer, James? What was your answer to whether you owed "A Higher Loyalty" to the mission of the FBI, to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution than to the FBI itself? 

"It is a great question but not for a moment can I consider it. Because down that path lies the death of the FBI as an independent force in American life. If we start making decisions based on whose political fortunes will be affected, we are lost."

To save the FBI from death, kill the country. And he did. "We are lost." Contemplate that, Mr. Comey.