Tuesday, August 28, 2018

"...alt-right furries.

" I happened upon photos of alt-right furries draped in Confederate flags, hoisting up pro-Trump signage, worshipping swastikas, and proudly extending their paws in the Heil Hitler! salute. I soon found myself down the rabbit hole with #AltFurry, #BroniesforTrump, #AltBrony, and #AnimeRight hashtags on Twitter. I regret my subsequent Google searches, which led me into unfamiliar corners of the internet where terms like “furry supremacy” and “The Furred Reich” lay waiting.

BroniesforTrump? What the fuck is a Bronie?

                                                                                                     Is this a sexual fantasy? Like you                                                                                                             have sex with people dressed like                                                                                                             animals? Or is this a disguise for                                                                                                              Nazi/Trump...orientation like they                                                                                               don't want to show their faces?

"A plethora of thoughts and questions were conjured up in that moment—the first being, “But why, though?” I am familiar with race play (and the things surrounding it) as a concept in BDSM and kink...

So it IS about sex! How do you know if you've got the...right kind for you, the gender I mean...Guess it wouldn't matter duh.

"...but I never allowed myself to think critically and deeply about this phenomenon until the moment I found myself staring at my phone with a bright red, Confederate flag-clad, Trump-humping fox looking back at me.

What do you do, lift up the tail and fuck them in the ass? I'd do that.

"...I arrived at the conclusion—which perhaps is not necessarily a novel one—that because white supremacy has a compulsory preoccupation with power, violence, and domination, sexual fantasy creates an opportune space for the white superiority mythos to not only manifest itself, but also to flourish. The exploitative dehumanization of and dominance over Blackness provides white gratification in both the social and sexual arena.

How does fucking a person dressed like an animal foster White superiority? I am asking, I do not know what the fuck any of this is about. Are there Democratic furries? Ah, it's an alt-right thing, she said that. Nazis, Trump. Okay. Wait, but she also described that Confederate Fox a a "Trump-humping" fox. So does the individualoid inside that costume want to fuck Trump in a nasty, violent way --"I'm gonna fuck you in the ass and make you my bitch you Orange BITCH.--I would do that.--or "make love" with him because they love him? These are important questions.

 "Neo-Nazi porn is immensely popular at the moment and I resent the fact that I now possess this knowledge.
You and me both baby.

“Cuck” has reared its head as one of the relatively new favorite insults hurled by the GOP and the alt-right against other white people who they feel are not conservative enough. As a shorthand for “cuckold,” this term comes with racist and pornographic undertones that white men exploit as a way to transmute their fears about loss of power into a weapon against other white men. Derived from a popular pornographic scenario in which a white man is cuckolded by, and obliged to watch, a Black “bull” fucking his white wife, this insult has layers.

Like my-brother-the-klansman.

"Fear of...the Black phallus gaining sexual power over white cuckolds and miscegenating with white women— ...

How come Black is capitalized and white isn't?

"...is also a fear of sexual and social humiliation. Both of these fears are tied up with the fetishization of power and power play. And these fears often result in apocalyptic whiteness, a violent response to the white genocide fable."

What the fuck is the white genocide fable?

We're fucked.