Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Alt-Right’s Asian Fetish

"The white supremacists on the far right have “yellow fever” — an Asian woman fetish.
"As a commenter wrote on an alt-right forum, “exclusively” dating Asian women is practically a “white-nationalist rite of passage.”
"... the white-supremacist Asian fetish is no contradiction.

"It exists at the intersection of two popular racial myths. First is the idea of the “model minority,” (1) in which Asian-Americans are painted as all hard-working, high-achieving and sufficiently well-behaved to assimilate. If Asians are the model minority — if that is how nonwhites can find acceptance in white America — then perhaps that opens the door to acceptance from white supremacists."(2)

(1) I can see that. That's a MYTH?
(2) My head is in a fog and I cannot understand that sentence right now.

"The second myth is that of the subservient, hypersexual Asian woman.(3) The white-supremacist fetish combines those ideas and highlights a tension within the project of white supremacism as America grows more diverse — a reality that white nationalists condemn as “white genocide.” The new, ugly truth? Maintaining white power may require some compromises on white purity."(4)

(3) That's a myth :(
(4) Ah! So race-mixing is "white genocide".

"In reality, Asians are rarely considered white, and the model-minority myth obscures the vast differences among Asian-Americans. What’s more, the myth helped to strengthen America’s white liberal order, which claims to uphold diversity while also being anti-black. It legitimizes white America’s power to determine who is “good” and to offer basic dignity and equal rights.

"The model-minority myth exists alongside another dangerous and limiting idea — one that is consistent with the alt-right’s misogyny and core anti-feminist values. The main problem with white women, as many alt-right Asian fetishists have noted, is they’ve become too feminist. By contrast, Asian women are seen as naturally inclined to serve men sexually and are also thought of as slim, light-skinned and small"(5)...

(5) "Small" means "tight," as in "tight pussy." ("Stereotypes about the... immediate sexual accessibility and availability of Black pussy are abundant and evident in porn titles and action. The same is true of myths about the inherent purity of whiteness, the exoticism and fire of Latinx performers, the natural tightness of the tiny Asian, etc."-Sherronda J. Brown (I love when women say "pussy.")) So all of this is myth, huh? Stereotype? That is extremely unfortunate.And by contrast do all White "feminists" have pussy that hangs like wizard sleeve in the opinion of Nazis? 

"The stereotypes that feed the Asian-woman fetish are not exclusive to the far right.(6) They exist across the political spectrum and infect every aspect of life — not just the bedroom — and manifest themselves in figures as distant from America as the blond-haired, blue-eyed heroes and hypersexualized heroines of Japanese anime."(7)

(6) Never had a "thing" for Asian women. Was swarmed over by Chinese girls like locusts the one time on my first trip to Beijing that I ventured down to the "Oriental Plaza" beneath our hotel without my blond-haired blue-eyed girlfriend.
(7) That's a stereotype too! It's stereotypes all the way down, huh? Is there ANY hypersexualized subset of human femaledom? How about Jewish girls? No? Alright then.