Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sarah Jeong, "Korean-American," is the new "disgusting" editorial board member at the New York Times. (Thought it would be a woman.)

Trump's reasons for his epithet are grounded in Jeong's...tweets. A lot a lot of tweets, I think her new colleague Bret Stephens said 130,000 (!) tweets over five years. It is accepted that the tweets constitute racism...toward White people. So, you know, Trump would find that "disgusting." Of those I have read, I am not offended. I do not take Jeong's tweets seriously, that is not as a product of Jeong's serious thought. I understand them as venting on a platform that encourages the user to be unmediated in her venting, just let it all hang out; literally, give no thought to it, just tweet, and which encourages the embarrassed user regret that follows. I do not take them as racism:

"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

That is just the first definition that comes up on Google. Call me a terminal literalist but I saw no Jeong tweet that asserted the superiority of whatever "race" she is (Korean? Is that a race? Asian? Asian is a race.) I saw lots of tweets where she evinced antagonism toward White people, particularly White men but none that asserted the superiority...See, this is why I did not want to go here but now have and could should myself in the head for doing so. Find your own goddamned definition of racism, I am not going to quibble.  Call her tweets "racism," I shan't disagree. "Disgusting?" Go for it! I can see why you would.

I only wanted to make two fucking points before I dragged myself down that shithole. Point one: Jeong wrote apologia for "Jackie" and the infamous, discredited University of Virginia non-rape case that Rolling Stone published. That is Jeong's "serious" writing :o so if I discount her tweets as being non-serious, non-mediated venting then I have to turn to her serious writing to see what is really inside her fiendish little yellow brain (Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me! That is a quote from Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther. It was intended by writer Blake Edwards to be non-serious, funny, AND I FOUND IT HILARIOUS! HAHAHAHAHAHA!) and on the evidence of that serious, fiendish writing alone I find corroboration of her fiendish, non-serious tweets. Therefore, and...

Point two: Could the New York Fucking Times find no other (1) young, (2) Korean-American/Asian-American (you know, with...those eyes) (3) female journalist to bring in from the outside to join their Editorial Board?!  This was a hiring decision in the profession of journalism and the person hired has defended in print a story so discredited that its publication has been called a "catastrophe" for journalism, and "the Worst Journalism of 2014," and cost its publisher millions of dollars in lawsuit judgments. "We looked. Every other one of those people trolled White men, and wrote apologia for "A Rape on Campus' too." NO, THE TIMES DIDN'T REALLY SAY THAT. That is "in effect" what this hiring decision says. Bad, Times. BAAADDD. Nice business judgment and journalistic judgment...Is it really not racism if I "just" hate you because of your race if I do not concomitantly assert my own racial superiority?