Tuesday, August 21, 2018


I started a text message convo with the afflicted, unfortunate ex-Mrs Harris (Numero Dos) and my son. What did they think, I asked, the chances were that Trump did something drastic? I suggested five possibilities, get someone to fire Mueller, start a war, swallow his gun, kill someone else, resign.

My son responded that he thought getting someone to fire Mueller or starting a war were most likely.

My ex however thought outside my boxes and wondered about a heart attack. THAT had real possibility written all over it! Trump is fat, old, and fights a lot. That puts a lotta stress on the ol' ticker. Then I had a Eureka moment: a STROKE!

A heart attack is a major malfunction. That BIG, hardy muscle has to go hooie. But with a stroke...Bees and Gees, all you need for a devastating stroke is a li'l ol bleed on the brain, just one blood vessel up there to break or leak and voila! Stroke-lihood therefore is harder to diagnosis and prevent than a heart attack and the stroke offers the agreeable prospect of hemiparesis, muscle paralysis on one side, most noticeably of the face--the signature "drawn" look--drooling from the mouth and loss of bladder and large bowel control, in a word, a rest-of-the-life dependence of Depends. The Twenty-fifth Amendment would be triggered, Trump would be packed off to some old age home in Cambria County, his anoose would be naturally relaxed to the accommodation and satisfaction of co-resident Booty Bandits, and Mike Pence would be left to mind the Oblast until 2020. Oh! I shall go to sleep tonight with visions of Trump-honed Booty Bandits dancing in my head and in his asshole.