Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Christ Almighty. Tuesday night football in the Mother country. City plays at Newcastle today at 3 pm Normal Colony Time. Important match for both clubs at opposite ends of the table. City cannot afford to drop any more points to catch Liverpool and Newcastle desperately need points to stay away from relegation.

The simultaneous competitions that every European club soccer team have to participate in destroys the rhythm of the sport's season. Matches have to be rescheduled based upon availability; for a top club like Manchester City that progresses in all four competitions you end up with these Tuesday night abortions. For lesser clubs that get knocked out it's just one less competition they have to prepare for. For fans of course the rescheduling is also a problem. But for fans from afar (Here!) the rescheduling is a deal breaker. Can you imagine paying for a round trip air ticket for a once in a lifetime chance to catch your favorite team's match in person and then have the match rescheduled? Turn me into a goddamned terrorist, that would.