Monday, January 28, 2019

I've got to say something.

Remember Olivia Nuzzi? "They don't care!": Trump supporters. They don't care about Trump's stands on particular issues, don't care if he changes his position from one day to the next. "They care about him!," Nuzzi wrote. "They believe he won't fuck them over because he's never been fucked over."

It made a good deal of sense to me. It made such sense that it was paradigm shifting for me. Finally! I understood part of it.

It turns out they do care issues, one issue. I thought it was two issues for a long while, repeal Obamacare, I thought that was first among equals. Of course, the Beaded Curtain was the second. But Trump failing on Obamacare repeal has been nothing compared to his inability to hang the curtain. His approval rating has really dropped off since The Chuck and Nancy Reality Show II.

And what I've got to say is I think Trump is listening to the wrong people. People who do not love him, who do not have his best interests at heart, who hate him, actually. Ann Coulter is who I mean. Almost exclusively Ann Coulter.

It was Ann Coulter alone who got Trump to go all wooly in the knees over shutting down the government--over putting The Wall to rest as a defeat, like Obamacare, and moving on. Shutting down the government--that is the reason Trump's approval has shoaled. People have never liked government shutdowns--ask Newt Gingrich! More people have not liked government shutdowns more intensely and longer than people who love The Wall. That is just fact. But Ann Coulter jilled her feminine essence all over the foot of her fantasied wall. More than she squirted over Trump. Coulter wrote a truly vicious--I read it, about the only thing of AC/DC's I've ever read start to finish--scorched earth, never-go-back screed on Trump that cursed everything but his birth (I would have cursed his birth.). And Coulter was Trump's Bitch Wet Nurse. She's written paeans to him:  "In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!", "Resistance is FUTILE!" Now Coulter is part of the resistance. 

That's not love. That's not support. That is hate. And it is self hate, for Coulter hates herself. Coulter hates Trump, hates him because he's an unqualified, incompetent, stupid, bullying liar, which she has always known, really known, felt it, believed it. He's Cowardly Lyin' Trump--and he is! Always has been! The only people Ann Coulter hates more than Trump are herself and everybody else.

Coulter hates herself for having birthed Trump, nursed him, reared him up into power. She cannot stand success, will not abide it. She is, and has always been, looking for the opportunity to turn on Trump. See, Ann Coulter hates love. Look at those book titles. They're not sincere. Ann Coulter's oeuvre is hate, not hero worship, not love. She deliberately gives her books over the top titles to make a buck. She supported Trump, gave him The Wall idea and...well, in for a dime, in for a buck. But Trump is God, Awesome!, that's not Ann Coulter's oeuvre. Hate is her oeuvre. Trump has found this out too late. He listened to Coulter. Listened to Red Fox. And now they've turned on him, especially Coulter.

I'm tellin' ya, if Trump had paid no attention to that Coulter article, if, in other words, he had not been goaded by his Bitch Surrogate Mother into shutting down the frigging government for 35 days over his stupid Beaded Curtain, his approval would not have tanked in the last month. If he had taken the defeat and moved on he would have put the whole thing behind him. He would not have lost one iota of approval among his base base, who truly "don't care!", and he would not have lost anything near what he lost among normal people disgusted by another Republican shutdown--over Christmas to boot! Shutting down the government, not the goddamned wall, caused Trump to lose support from normal people.

Trump is a thieving, corrupt, tool of Moscow, a non compos mentis, semi-literate boob, a cowardly lyin' pustule on the asshole of mankind. And he always has been! Now, thanks to Ann Coulter, someone he thought cared for him, more people know. Coulter "doesn't care!"