Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Shooting of Houston Police Officers

The headlines this morning are ambiguous. "Five Police Officers Injured." Injured? Well, it turns out four were shot and one hurt his knee. One of the firearm-injured officers was shot in the shoulder, another more seriously in the neck...Apparently two were shot in the neck, they are in critical condition, but it's confusing. One of the subjects had a .357, the officer who was shot in the shoulder took that one. But there is also mention of a second subject "making a move" for a shotgun. Since--How many are we up to now? Three.-the fourth officer was shot in the face and is being released from hospital today I take it he was not shot with a .357 but was hit with pellets from a shotgun. One of the officers shot in the neck, in critical condition, was alright enough to have passed a written note to the police chief in hospital. What happened to the third subject? Was there a third subject? Ah, the fog of war.