Saturday, January 26, 2019

Oh! Sarge, sorry, but was Officer Alix--Pretty thing, isn't she?--sorry, didn't mean to be sexist, what was the state of Katlyn's dress? Since she was off duty, she wasn't in full uniform presumably? Wasn't wearing her bullet proof vest which might have stopped like a bullet to the chest? What was she wearing when she and Officer Hendren...

Not as pretty a thing IMO! SORRY!

...were playing? And when the game was over what was the state of her dress or undress? Not...Oh...

Excuse me Sarge...Was um, Oh! I was saying, Not that police officers ever commit adultery! And certainly Nate would not be sexually attracted to Katlyn, would not want to discharge his bodily essence onto the bare, naked chest of Katlyn, nor into her bodily cavities of which she would have had three nor to discharge his service weapon into Katlyn's chest cavity which lies underneath her naked chest skin. Sergeant Hellmeier why did you not mention in your probable cause affidavit how Katlyn was clothed? Was a rape kit performed on Katlyn's body? Did you take DNA from Hendren, you know, just in case?

The skin around the entry wound on her chest was swabbed for the presence of gunshot residue so that you could approximate range of fire, right? Was there any intermediate target like a shirt, bra, etc.? And if so, as I assume! were said intermediate targets swabbed for the presence of ANY RESIDUE WHATSOEVER, BARIUM, ANTIMONY, LEAD, OR SEMEN?

Was Officer Hendren in full uniform? All buttoned up, zipped up, spit and polished? Yes, since he was on duty right? Vest? Be sorta a one-sided game of Russian roulette if he was wearing a vest and she had on like a t-shirt and Victoria Secret's bra or whatever and they were shooting at each other's chests wouldn't it lol. In classical Russian roulette, don't the players fire the guns at their temples, their heads? Hendren's head would have been unprotected unless he had had a steel plate inserted at a previous time. Is that why Hendren chose the chest? Is this like the St. Louis variant of Russian roulette where one player wears a bullet proof vest, the other doesn't and you shoot at the chest? I've come up with a name for it if you don't want to use St. Louis Variant: murder. Roll that one around on your tongue. Think about it. I like the sound of it on these facts.

Were Officer Hendren's weapons tested to see if they were functional? All of his weapons. You guys issue revolvers to your police officers? No, right? Semi-automatics, right? Glocks? What, do you think we're the Wild West here in St. Louis? No, of course not, they get issued 9mm Glocks just like in real police departments. OF COURSE. You've checked his revolver, right? For operability? To match to the bullet taken from Katlyn's chest cavity underneath her naked, unclothed skin? Test his service 9? How about Uncomfortable Voyeur's guns, test them?

Have you checked Hendren's dick for operability? Why? Just cuz. Did you swab his dick for the presence of any of pretty thing Katlyn's bodily essences?

Check their cell phones? Nate's, Katlyn's, the Uncomfortable Voyeur's? No messages about Nate wanting to shoot anything onto or into the chest or any of Katlyn's bodily openings?

You got this, Sarge. Carry on.