Friday, March 08, 2019


Fire rises in Miami. They lead Cleveland 119-100 with 2:25 left to play. I feel confident to change the macro record at top. I don't feel its lead pipe certain. The game is of so little consequence that all night ESPN has not provided the full panoply of statistics, not even a box score, he-he-he, so I don't know who has burned brightly and who is smoking below ignition point.

This will be the "Heat's" fourth win in a row...It is now final, 126-110. Miami won every quarter except the second, that for the second game in a row as I recall and outscored Cleve by 16 in the second half. They are 31-34 this season with 17 left to go, still residing on 8th Place...ESPN has the score 8-8 with 8:09 left in the first quarter, ESPN is putting a full Dis on Miami tonight...They are one game ahead of Orlando on 9th and two back of Brooklyn on 7th and--rare air!--Detroit on 6th. They have two important (to them, if not Espin) games coming up, Toronto on the Upper Upper Least Side on 2nd place Sunday and the aforementioned "Pistons" Wednesday. Passing Detroit for 6th is the best realistic hope. On Fifth Place is Boston, 6 1/2 games ahead of Motors. 

Fire rises in Miami, the "Heat" is coming, and I am going. Good night.