I had arranged at the beginning of 1931 to undertake a considerable lecture tour in the United States, and travelled to New York. Here I suffered a serious accident which nearly cost me my life. On December 13...I got out of my car on the wrong side, and walked across Fifth Avenue without bearing in mind the opposite rule of the road which prevails in America, or the red lights, then unused in Britain. There was a shattering collision. For two months I was a wreck. I gradually regained at Nassau in the Bahamas enough strength to crawl around...On the whole I consider this was the hardest time I have had in my life.*
And if he had lost his life in that accident I would now be writing this in German.
*The Second World War, Volume 1 The Gathering Storm p62, Winston Churchill.
And if he had lost his life in that accident I would now be writing this in German.
*The Second World War, Volume 1 The Gathering Storm p62, Winston Churchill.