Sunday, April 21, 2019

Does Liverpool Deserve the Title?

No, the team that has the most points at the end of the season deserves the title, Mo-Ron.

Thank you.

Now, ignoring that twat, it increasingly bothers me that the title is out of Liverpool's hands, that if City win out there is nothing Liverpool can do. And the reasons it bothers me, you TWAT, are:

(1. Liverpool has only lost one match this season and City have lost Fo'.
     (A. Liverpool's sole loss was at City (2nd place).
     (B. City's four losses have been: at Chelsea (5th), home to Crystal Palace (9th), at Leicester (12th), and at Newcastle (13th).
(2. To me, that means Liverpool has had the better season, and
(3.  I am increasingly of the view also that Liverpool are a better team this year, largely because they have Virgil van Dijk and we don't.

Yet, the title is out of Liverpool's hands because they have drawn seven time. City have drawn twice.

A tie is like kissing your sister.

Right! It's half of what you want. It's a girl, not a guy, and it's a kiss, not a handshake. It just happens to be your sister so you can't do anything with that. Isn't a tie half a win and half a loss? Of course it is, how else is there to look at it? So why do you only get one-third the points of a win in soccer? For comparison, in American football (the only one of the four major team sports to have ties) a tie counts half in the standings. If you're not going to go to overtime or a shoot-out or some way of definitively deciding a match, awarding a team half the value of a win is more just and more commonsensical. Getting one-third seems to be like kissing a store mannequin or something.

On equal games played (so before today) if you gave each Premier League team one point for a win and one-half point for a draw Liverpool would have 29.5 points and City 29. Liverpool would be in control of its destiny then. Instead City is. It does not seem right to me.