Monday, April 15, 2019

Ok, I get it, I get it. They are trying, and they succeeded, in saving the structure, the real marvel of Notre-Dame. They are spraying water on the masonry to prevent it from baking, cracking and falling. And they succeeded, to repeat.

 At first you think, do their fucking hoses not go any higher? They can’t spray the flames? They are not trying to. Very smart.

Which means they gave up on the interior, and here again, you can see why in this drone footage.

Oh yeah! Got a good chance of putting that baby out. I get it, I get it.

But query me this. You just going to let it burn out in there? Not even try to douse that inferno? The inferno that endangered the super-structure which you saved by cooling the stone and ignoring what was dangerously heating the stone. I take your word for it! Honestly I do. But. However. Query me this. The roof has collapsed there, I mean I can see right into the fucking navel of the knave there. The roof is gone! It’s like Jerry’s World now. God can watch services His services now. So, explain to me how flying a plane with a lot, or as little as you think appropriate, of water right over the middle of the apse or nave, whatever, away from the walls, if you drop a big bucket of water down on the flames where I put the water droplets, how would that endanger the super-structure of the cathedral? I take your word for it. You just tell me I don’t know my apse from a hole in the roof and I get it, just somebody susplain a leetle why that is a fail?