Tuesday, April 16, 2019

FT Barcelona 3 Manchester United 0

I texted the Goats after watching these highlights, "Guys, City cannot beat this team. Not on our best day, not on any day." And I have not changed my mind in the last several hours. Honestly, I don't know how a team playing like that ever loses a match. Watch Messi on the first goal. Look at how perfectly placed the shot is. Any other spot and De Gea would have saved it. On Messi's second goal, not so much. I think De Gea was trying to avoid the handball. Now on the third Barca sequence on this clip, look and marvel, go "Ahhh" with the crowd, at Messi's footwork. I take it "nutmeg" is the Queen's English for "ankle breaker?" "Faked him out of his jock?" And then on the fourth and last segment, Philippe Coutinho (ex-Liverpool, imagine if they had him hooo doggie) saw Messi's first goal and said, "Leo, I can do that too!" and shot a laser just out of De Gea's reach in the upper left corner. I mean, you see that shit, you just tip your hat to them. You rank me.