Monday, April 15, 2019

Okay, I’m American: How the FUCK was this allowed to happen? Were there no sprinklers in place anywhere? Did the French never disaster plan for this? I mean what was the fucking game plan? The thing is 800 years old and built of WOOD. Might that catch fire? WELL DUH!

There’s a photo of Macron looking on, just standing there watching. His pledge: we will rebuild. Earth to Emmanuel: You cannot rebuild! Then it’s not 800 year old Notre Dame! Then it’s Notre Dame Deuxieme Partie. That’s not the same thing! I mean, Rudy Giuliani went to Ground Zero and personally helped out on 9/11/01. Donald Rumsfeld left his office at the Pentagon and went outside to help as best he could.

Even Trump weighed in:

Donald J. Trump

So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!

1:39 PM · Apr 15, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone

And Trump was right to weigh in. Yes, “Must act quickly!” Water, sand, SOMEthing. My God. Oh my God.