Wednesday, April 17, 2019

"Man is the sum of the things he has done..."

Wise words. True?

"Professor Smith you look so down, is anything wrong?"
"Oh, Professor Jones. I am the author of numerous scholarly articles and books..."
"Renowned and revered in my field..."
"A Nobel Prize winner...
"I suck one dick..."

There are some things you do that are extra-arithmetical to a life, that are alone so bad--or so good-- that they define you no matter what else you do. The sum of Lenny Skutnik's life, excising January 13, 1982, is pretty modest. But Lenny's dive into the Potomac River at peril to his own life to save the life of Priscilla Tirado, whose death appeared imminent, is outside the calculus of Lenny's life. Immortal hero, then, now, forever.

Cotton Mather's involvement in the Salem Witch Trials was "a tin can tied to Mather's tail. The faster he ran the louder it rattled and banged behind him." Dr Samuel Mudd treated John Wilkes Booth for a broken leg after Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln. "Your name is mud!" sullied generations of Mudd's.

The National Hockey League franchise based on the west coast of Florida has been in existence for 27 years. It won a Stanley Cup in 2004. It does not matter. That franchise will be forever defined by what happened last night and, borrowing the words of the executioner of Lincoln's assassins when the deed was done, "We shall utter it's name no more."