Friday, February 19, 2021


Alright. The BAD news first. 

For the third straight day Deaths were up. 2,558 Feb. 18. Any number other than 0 is bad so that’s 2,558 bads Thursday. That’s as bad as it can be put. There were 69,255 new Cases reported Feb. 18, also. That is slightly (~600) down.

The rest is good news.

14-day change

-44% Cases. Boom!
-30% Hospitalizations. BOOM!
-39% Deaths. BOOM!

The Deaths change first exceeded Hospitalizations just a day or two ago and grows more pronounced, pushing the key D-H percentage down to 2.67%, closer and closer to 46-1’s last rate of 2.43%. Biden's percentage will best that Sunday or maybe tomorrow.

7-day daily averages

72,848 Cases. Down.
66,214 Hospitalizations. DOWN.
1,774 Deaths. DOWN!