Thursday, August 26, 2021

David Brooks last wrote his column for the New York Times on August 5.

Thomas L. Friedman has written two columns since June 22, both on Afghanistan, the last one a week ago in which he imagined a conversation with President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Nicholas Kristof's last was June 26.

The Editorial Board has written twice recently, once on August 15 on "The Tragedy of Afghanistan", the other August 21 on school children.

Is this annual leave time for the cognos at the Quasi's? Probably it is.  I'm also sure that with events pressing as they have not pressed in eight months that they could have knocked a column or ed out at the beach. They're not out of touch. They know what's going on. 

They're hiding, probably in a bathroom where they are evacuating as the Biden Evacuation Debacle rolls on. They're running, probably to the drug store to see if the latest supply of Imodium has come in. They're conferring among themselves to craft a quasi-official set of messages. They'll come back when they're done. Send them some rolls of Charmin.