Wednesday, December 22, 2021

"Omicron Cases Appear Less Severe, 2 U.K. Studies Say"

...Omicron infections are associated with a two-thirds reduction in the risk of hospitalization compared to the Delta variant.
“What you’ve heard is a qualified good-news story,” Dr. Jim McMenamin, incident director for Covid-19 at Public Health Scotland, said at a news briefing at which he and colleagues presented data gleaned from Scottish hospitals.

I'm going to take the liberty to qualify that story even more. Advanced countries like the U.K., the E.U., and the U.S. should be ordering new vaccines NOW. We do not learn, maybe someday we will get it through our heads: This thing is better than us; it is faster, it mutates quicker than other viruses and eludes our first generation vaccines, first with Delta--both more transmissible and deadlier than the original--then with this, much more transmissible than Delta.

Four Waves, Three Waves

Look at the world graphs:
     Four distinct waves of coronavirus. We didn't learn from the first three waves. That is unpardonable.

Three waves of death. Or am I being too optimistic? The seismograph of current may be the first gentle shocks before a fourth Big One. It looks very similar to the graph in September-October 2020, a prelude to the Monster.

We want ZERO waves.

Omicron looks to be a comparative dud in the virus' mission to wipe out humanity, but unlike us, the virus is a quick study. It will graft transmissibility onto vaccine elusiveness and deadliness. A Doomsday Virus will be born. Unless. We. Act. Now. Humanity needs vaccines that prevent infection. Until we get that this thing will keep dancing away from us, taunting and killing.