Saturday, February 26, 2022

Last Call

No change in the headlines bees and gees.

Haven't done a COVID-19 update since this war shit began. Here's a reader's digest summary of where we were last night:

Cases have dropped over two weeks 63% and in the 7-day daily average were 68,642. By the look of the Cases graph that is down from the Feb. 24 it.

Hospitalizations are down 44% with the 7-day, 55,708. That also per graph is down.

Deaths also dropped, a 23% decline and are 1,896/day from Feb. 19 through the 25th. Also down, only 2/day from the 18-24th. 

The "Heat" could not get it up in the 1Q agin' San Antone tonight, falling behind 40-28; then rallied for a 61-58 lead at the half. The "Spurs" were behind 2 entering the 4th and have gotten boned hard since. It's now 123-110 Miam-uh with 6' left to play. "Heat" have scorched them 24-13 halfway through the 4th. The "Spurs" are not good, and Miami is very good and this one is ovah. 

Night, termites.