Tuesday, May 28, 2024

He said this was a “paper case”

6 minutes ago

Reporting from inside the courthouse

Todd Blanche again tells the jury, as he did during his opening statement and throughout the trial, that non-disclosure agreements are not inherently problematic, adding that there is nothing “illegal,” “sinister” or “criminal” about them.

May 28, 2024, 11:57 a.m. ET6 minutes ago6 minutes ago

Jesse McKinleyReporting from inside the courthouse

Todd Blanche has twice noted that Stormy Daniels had denied having sex with Trump. While technically true — she did put out a statement denying they had an affair in early 2018 — she subsequently provided her account of the sexual encounter to “60 Minutes,” in a book, in a documentary and here, on the stand, where she testified under oath.

Trump — Blanche’s client — has repeatedly denied the tryst occurred.

May 28, 2024, 11:53 a.m. ET10 minutes ago10 minutes ago

Maggie HabermanReporting from inside the courthouse

Todd Blanche is now lingering on statements from Stormy Daniels that she has testified she was coerced into making. This doesn’t seem to have much to do with the heart of the case but does seem like the kind of client-pleasing behavior we’ve seen from Blanche during the trial.