Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Is this the felony smoking gun?

I don't know. If it is I missed it, I think the Times' reporters missed it. Steinglass has to put "felony" in the same sentence with "smoking gun."

May 28, 2024, 5:35 p.m. ET

Jonah Bromwich Reporting from inside the courthouse

An extremely interesting move by Joshua Steinglass just now — he moved very quickly over some of the testimony most damning to Trump, because it came from Michael Cohen. And now he is referring to exhibits that Jeffrey McConney, a longtime loyal Trump employee, testified about: Allen Weisselberg’s notes setting up the repayments.

Steinglass refers to these exhibits as “the smoking guns” of the prosecution’s argument, saying they “completely blow out of the water the claim the money paid to Cohen” was for legal services.

May 28, 2024, 5:30 p.m. ET

Jonah Bromwich Reporting from inside the courthouse

Joshua Steinglass has moved the action to January 2017, the month that Trump was inaugurated. He is describing a meeting between Michael Cohen and Allen Weisselberg, then the Trump Organization's chief financial officer, who Cohen testified had made the arrangements to reimburse Cohen for the hush-money payment. “Right on the bank statement, Weisselberg and Cohen calculated all the money that was owed to Cohen,” Steinglass says.