Monday, May 06, 2024

The Quasis had it this morning that the Trumpie trial is “racing ahead”; that there are only a couple of major witnesses left to testify. Be that as it may, the prosecution started with one key witness, David Pecker (still can’t believe he didn’t change his name. Wouldn’t Peck (e.g. Gregory) have been better?)). Prosecutors follow a rule of art, start with a strong one, end, if possible, with a strong one, or at least an uncontroversial one (In my time in homicide trials it was the rule to end with the Medical Examiner.). Pecker as the first witness was an inspired choice: a witness who could provide an overview of the entire case to the jury. We still have one, maybe two major, controversial witnesses to hear from: Conehead and Storm. God help the prosecution if they end with Conehead. HUGE mistake. If they’re going to call Storm, and there is some question about that, I would have put her on this morning. Then the filler witness that they did; couple more filler witnesses, then Conehead, then end with as many noncontroversial wits who are left. You don’t want to end with a whimper but you must guarantee that you do not end with a bang that blows up in your face.