Wednesday, August 18, 2010

China's Great Wall of Silence: "Remembrance," The Translation, Part Four

  Fuli said Part Three was "the speech by Deng Xiaoping;" I don't know what speech that is but since Deng was the head of state after the CR I figured I could get it elsewhere and not tax Fuli to translate it. 


A good story may not be historical fact
My opinion on the death of Bian Zhong-yun

By Ye Weili


You published an article by Mr. Harris about the death of Ms. Bian Zhong-yun, a former teacher of the High School for Girls attached to Beijing Normal University. My name is mentioned in the article. I feel it necessary to respond to it.  

 The death of Principal Bian is a horrifying violent incident at the beginning of the cultural revolution. It shocked Beijing by its timing, site, the beaters’ gender, their ages, in particular the relationship between the victim and beaters. Many years have passed. Most deaths caused by  violence during the cultural revolution have been forgotten by the public. But the death of Bian is attracting more attention. In recent years, many books and movies have been produced. A statue has been set up in the Experimental High School with funds donated by the alumna. This is the first case of setting statue for a teacher of violent death. Many years later when the cultural revolution becomes a remote history, the name of Bian will be remembered along with many other victims of the cultural revolution. She was the administrator of a best high school for girls. She worked there for 17 years. On June 8, 1966, she was beaten up to die by her students.  She was the first killed high-school educator in Beijing and China. After her, many high-school teachers and staffers were killed, which made the victims to reach a shocking number. Her name should be remembered by history.  


(Picture on the right) Statue of Bian Zhong-yun. Conference room, 1st Floor, East Building, Experimental High School attached to Beijing Normal University.


As an alumnus of the High School for Girls, I thank all the people who remind us of the death of Principal Bian, including Mr. Harris. A person is not necessary a student of law, nor prosecutor.  and he does not need to explain why he is not a Chinese but concerned with Chinas affairs. The cultural revolution is a grand evil in 20th century, but has been blotted out and forgotten in China. It is better that more people in the world would pay attention to it,

This is my basis attitude toward Harris'article.

我曾经写过一篇题为《卞仲耘之死》的学术论文(白芳《卞仲耘之死》,见二闲堂网站; 原文为英文,中译文不包括原文中大量注释)。在最近出版的中文书籍中,我也对我校八五事件进行了叙述(叶维丽《动荡的青春:红色大院的女儿们》,北京:新华出版社,2008,第三章)。写出来,就是希望大家评头品足,我非常欢迎批评。

I wrote a thesis in the title of The Death of Bian Zhongyun.(Bai Fang: The Death of Bian Zhongyun. See The original is in English. The Chinese version doesn't include the numerous notes.) In a book in Chinese, I describe the 'Incident on August 5'(Ye Wei-li: Youth in Turmoil: the Daughters in the Red Compound. Beijing: Xin-hua Publishing House, 2008. Chapter 3).  I am expecting comments. Criticism is warmly welcome.


Mr. Harris doesn't make any comment on my specific points, nor disagree to concrete facts, but questions my fundamental position of right and wrong.  I like to tell Mr. Harris: I don’t not accept criticism of this type. It is not hard to locate my articles and books.  Readers can make their own judgment.  


 In its recommendation of Harris’ article, the Remembrance labels it an ‘investigation’ on the August 5 incident of the High School. But strictly speaking, Harris didn’t conduct investigation. During his stay in Beijing, he spent 25 hours talking to 7 people.  Most of these people were irrelevant to the High School for Girls. In such a hurry, it would not be strange at all that there are several solid deviations from the facts.

From Harris article, it is easy to see his description of the August 5 accident.  On that day, the red guardsruthlessly punished the school leaders, and beat Bian to death. The person in charge of the red guards was Song Binbin.  Thirteen days after, on August 18, she went up to the Tian-An-Men tower and put an armband of red guard on Mao Ze-dong.  Mao told Song that you must take up arms (yao wu ma), indicating that Mao approved red terrorism.  Mr. Harris believes that the case of Bians death therefore attained an historic significance.

因为做关于卞校长之死的调查,我查阅了很多材料,对这个叙述脉络十分熟悉。哈里斯先生在文中几次提到的王友琴女士,就是照这个脉络讲述卞仲耘之死的。看起来,哈里斯先生受到王友琴女士很大影响。我和王女士都是当年女附中的学生,王上高一,我上初三,我们两人近年来都为卞校长之死写过文章。在关于八五事件的叙述上,我们在一些关键处有不同说法,在一定意义上,提供了有关事件的两个版本。哈里斯先生对我的批评,也与这两个版本的不同有关。我想,与其回应对女附中文革所知实在有限的哈里斯先生,不如借《记忆》的版面,直接与王友琴女士对话。这里所引用的,全部来自《文革受难者》中的卞仲耘篇 (王友琴《文革受难者》,香港:开放杂志出版社,2004)。所以想公开地讨论问题,不仅因为卞仲耘之死是极具影响的文革案例,值得一丝不苟地对待;也因为从我和王友琴女士的分歧中,或许能反映出文革研究中一些带有普遍性的倾向。

Ive read a lot of materials in order to investigate the death of Principal Bian, and know the description well.  Harris mentioned Wang Youqin several times, and followed this line of description on Bians death. It looks that Harris was influenced a lot by Wang. Wang and I were both students of the High School for Girls. Wang was in grade 1 of senior high.  I was in grade 3 of junior high. During recent years we both wrote articles on the death of Principal Bian. On some key issues we held different points of view, thus provided two versions of the incident. Harriscriticism on me is somehow relevant to the difference of these two versions description. Therefore, I would rather have a direct dialog with Wang Youqin on this Remembrance journal, than responding to Mr. Harris who didnt know much about the cultural revolution of the High School for Girls. All quotes in this article are from the article about Bian Zhong-yun in by Wang Youqin published in Hong Kong in 2004. The open discussion is because not only that the death of Bian is a significant case in the cultural revolution and must be treated very carefully, but also the difference between me and Wang is a possible reflection of some universal tendencies in the research of the cultural revolution.   


Before asking advice from Ms. Wang, I would extend admiration to her for working as avolunteer of history, seeking justice for the victims of the cultural revolution. I said so before.  And said so again in relation to the death of Principal Bian. 

如果没记错,我和王友琴是见过面的,但没有真正交流过。今天,我就借此机会向老校友请教吧。说实话,有些问题在我心里已经存了很久。这里会涉及到当年事件的一些重要细节,希望大家能够耐心地读下去。有个英谚说,the devil is in the details,或许可以翻译成真相在细节中。作为一个历史工作者,我不相信历史能够被还原,但我相信,经过努力,包括对细节的认真挖掘,可以尽量接近历史真实。

If my memory serves right, Ms. Wang You-qing and I met, but didn't really communicate with each other. I would like to take this opportunity to seek advice from an alumnus.  Some questions have long been in my mind for a long time. Some important details of the incident may be discussed in this article. I hope that readers can read it through patiently.  An English proverb says: the devil in the details. As a historian, I don’t believe that history can be returned to its original state, but through efforts, including digging the details, the true history can be approximately approached.


I am asking Wang You-qin for advice on five questions:

1.       What situation was the High School in on August 5, 1966?  Whether or not there was an ‘administration’ with proper power?
In Ms. Wang’s opinion, after the work team left at the end of July, the School was under the control of an red guard organization and the congress of revolutionary teachers and students established by the work team. She said that on the night of Bian’s death, the School’s power authorities received her husband Wang JingYao.  In other words, Wang thinks after the withdrawal of the work team, there was an ‘power authorities’ that took over the School immediately.  The power authorities consisted of the red guard organization and the congress of revolutionary teachers and students. 


According to my investigation and recall, in the period after the work team suddenly left in late July, the School for fell into disorder, chaos and anarchy. There was no authorities as claimed by Ms. Wang. This is an important disagreement between me and Ms. Wang.


Ms. Hu Zhi-tao, then vice principal, and one of the five school administrators beaten up on August 5, wrote an article of recollection many years later. She said that Bian and she were already beaten up by some students on August 4. Therefore, despite the status of ‘gangster’, she went to CCP’s offices in the West District and Beijing city for help on the evening of August 4 and morning of August 5 respectively, reporting the crisis of ‘life in dangers’. She got no response from either office. When getting home on the evening of August 4, her husband saw the injuries on her body, and asked her why she was beaten up so badly. Hu answered: the work team left, and no one managed the school. ‘No one managed the school’ is the school’s situation after the abrupt leaving of the work team. And Hu’s bitter experience with the district and city authorities of CCP, indicates the status of doing nothing or even paralysis.    

但说女附中完全没人管了,似乎也不尽然。这里需要提及由工作组建立的革命师生代表会。卞死前在医院的抢救、死后向上级报告及第二天向全校公布消息,都是由代表会负责人员做的,可见事情到了一定的地步,还是得由代表会出面张罗维持。但工作组撤离后代表会的身份变得尴尬,也是一个基本事实,否则就没有必要在88号,由代表会学生成员中的基本骨干发起,成立了一个叫筹委会的机构。改名换姓就是为了脱离和工作组的关系,重打鼓、另开张名正言顺 地管理学校事务。

On the other hand, it seems not correct to say no one managed the schoolat all. It is necessary to mention the congress of revolutionary teachers and students set up by the work team. Bian was rescued in the hospital before she died, reporting to higher authorities and announced the news to the school next day.  The congress did all of this. When things happened, someone must have taken care of it.  However, after the work team left, the identity of the congress became rather awkward. Therefore, on August 8, the backbone members of the congress started an organization of Preparation Committee. The purpose was to break away from the work team, and manage the school with a right title.


Thereafter, it is my opinion that the congress of teachers and students, as its source of authorities, the work team, abruptly collapsed, its ‘status’ became unclear but the ‘power residue’ still existent, it was more like an office for preservation or staying behind office.  By my investigation, at this time, some students who were against the work team, had already not approved the congress’s authorities. Some leaders of the congress thought they had made mistakes by following the work team, did not work on it.  In the meantime, the major member of the congress were feeling greatly perplexed by the abrupt leaving of the work team and Mao Zedong’s severe criticism on the method of sending work team to schools.  They had a meeting on August.  The topic was: How will the cultural revolution be conducted after leaving of the work team?


In fact, at this historical moment, not only the high school students, but also the ‘senior revolutionaries’, from Li Xue-feng and Wu De,  both were in charge of Beijing, to Liu Shao-qi and Deng Xiao-ping of CCP’s central committee, were keeping saying not knowing how to proceed. The situation was in total chaos. The fact that Hu received nothing for her visits to CCP’s offices was the evidence. It is not exaggerating to say the whole Beijing is in total disorder. Some people concluded that Beijing was experiencing a strong political earthquake. Under such chaotic and complex situation, it is really ignoring the abruptly changing situation to say there was an authority in orderly operation. Let alone this school was the hub of children of CCP’s high-ranking cadres, thus was more sensitive to the change in political situation.     


I encountered a challenge when writing the thesis on the death of Bian: how to explain to today's reader about that extraordinary moment? I made great efforts on this.  Interested readers can read the thesis. In this article I only simply point out that research on Bian's death must keep the rapid change of the cultural revolution in mind. I think this is the key in understanding this case.


 After Mao Zedong returned to Beijing from the South during the late third of July to the first or second third of August, he came to the front and started the cultural revolution again (my understanding of this period is enlightened by Mr. Wang Nianyi’s book, , published by the Henan Publishing House in 1988.). The key word for Mao’s action was ‘great disorder under heaven’ in a letter he wrote to Jiang Qing in July. Due to the sudden withdrawal of the Work Team and appearance of the slogan, ‘Like father, like son’, the High School at this time was in an excited, perplexed, terrorist atmosphere (which was felt differently due to different family background). The message from ‘ above’ was that students had to kick the work team away, and conduct revolution by themselves. Liberate selves by selves. When the work team’s restriction was removed, the only authority was ‘the highest direction’. Revolution is not an invitation to dinner’ is the most popular quotation and most authoritative annotation to the word ‘revolution’.  To conduct revolution, one must not be temperate and gentle. This was the creed for the time. In early August, the ‘chaos’, as expected by the highest leader, has dominated the High School for Girls. And chaos and violence are twin brothers. This has been proved by all the movements in CCP’s history. Violence plays the role of opening a new situation by force. In the bout of movement, Mao seemed to rely on violence intentionally. I discussed the role of violence in my thesis, and will not make redundancy here. Bian died exactly at this point of time. Not alone but in pair, on that day Mao was hosting a meeting in which Liu Shaoqi’s direction of ‘no arbitrary  denouncement’ was abolished. What happened on the campus of the High School for Girls was exactly the uncontrolled, unrestricted arbitrarily denouncement.


 The reason that I discussed this topic in such a detail is that I disagree with Wang You-qin on whether there were regular authorities in the High School. Behind the disagreement is the understanding of the general situation of the cultural revolution.  My opinion is that Mao Ze-dong’s guideline of  ‘massive disorder’ caused the chaos and anarchy on the campus of the High School for Girls to a substantial degree. Violence happened under such circumstances. As far as the status and condition of the congress, and the behavior of people in charge of the congress, I discussed at length in another article by the name of Bai Fang, so will not say more here.
二.女附中当时是否已出现红卫兵组织? 该组织是否应对八五事件负责?
 2. Had any organization of red guards come into being at that time in the High School for Girls? If yes, whether or not that organization was responsible for the August 5 incident?


Wang You-qins answer to these two questions are positive in many places of her writings.
My investigation indicates that on July 31, an organization in the name of Maoist Red Guards(ist guards) was established in the School, mainly consisting of senior high students against the work team.  They did not beat up on August 5. They were a minor faction throughout, and never in power at the School.


There was another organization named red guardsin the High School. It had more members. This was a suddenly appearing and loosely organized group. There was no evidence that this group was already in existence on August 5. These two red guard organization were clearly different.  As a student of the High School at that time, Ms. Wang should not have mixed them up.  


Clarifying the issue of whether there wasred guardsin the School is to describe the facts more accurately and present the atmosphere at the time.  Students from individual classes had qualification and ability to denounce the leaders.  This can only happen in a period of extreme disorder and anarchy.  And self-starting activities were exactly Mao recommended.     


Its necessary to point out that in August when the theory is overwhelmingly dominant, to conduct revolution needed qualification. It is very possible that the students who started to denounce the school leaders were children of CCP officials. And after the appearance of the red guards, it is also possible that these students became red guards. But on the day of August 5 when denouncing the school leaders, they didnt do that as red guards.


Did Ms. Wang know that the originators for denouncing the school leaders on August 5 exactly were her classmates? 


Many people of the High School of that time know the key role played on that by Class 3 of senior grade 1. In my investigation, I interviewed Teacher Ai, the head teacher, and several students of the class. They all frankly talked about this fact. To be honest, all people of the High School knew who were particularly active. But teacher Ai still was not able to figure out many years after: how come an ordinary class before the cultural revolution suddent became that crazy?  


Unfortunately, I didnt find those activists, talk to them in person, and find out their mental status of current opinion. It is said this class have never had gatherings. It is hard to locate some of them.

 In her discussion about the initiator of the August 5 accident, Ms. Wang only said that it was ‘red guards of senior high grade 1’.  As a student of Class 3, senior grade 1, Ms. Wang didn’t know the key role played by her classmates. At that time and afterwards, Ms. Wang had opportunity better than others to investigate the activities of denouncing the school leaders was planned and started. Who were the organizer, and whether they knew the Congress of Teachers and Students.  Today, all the important information has become blurred.  According to the persons in charge of Congress, they didn’t know anything about the denouncement beforehand. In fact, even if they had known, they only could have supported the ‘revolutionary action’ initiated by the students. On these key questions, Ms. Wang didn’t give us any help.  If Wang knew that her own classmates were the initiators, but attempted to water down the fact, I would understand. But I don’t understand why Wang always stresses the role played by Song Binbin. This is my next question.


 4. Why, for so many years, has Wang You-qin been concentrating on Song Bin-bin who did not start denouncing the school leadership, nor took part in the beating?  The issue of Song Binbin is related to a universal tendency which I believe is very important to the research on the cultural revolution, I will discuss it in detail later. So here I am raising the question only.


In the investigation conducted by Ms. Wang You-qin on the death of Bian Zhong-yun, she mentioned a list of seven people including Song Bin-bin. Mr. Harris, a student of law, claims this name list as evidence that Song Bin-bin and other red guards were responsible for the death of Bian. The list was also in the movie Even though I Died made by Hu Jie who was also an advisor to Wang you-qin, it also impresses people that it was significant. So, it is vitally important in Wang You-qins story. 


About this list, Ms. Wang talked about this list as following.  Mr. Wang Jing-yao rushed to the hospital after Bian passed away. As he didn't know anyone at present, Mr. Wang requested the 'authorities of the High School for Girls' to wrote down 'their names'.  And later he saved this piece of paper bearing the seven names. Ms. Wang said: 'six of these seven people were red guards,', and the first name on the list is Song Bin-bin, a senior student of the s

As far as I know, this name list was written by Teacher Li Song-wen. He wrote the seven names vertically. When reading this type of writing, one need do it from right to left, rather than from left to right as Ms. Wang did. The first name was Li himself, the only teacher of the seven. The last one was Song Bin-bin.  Of the six students, three were of grade 2 of senior high, the other three were of grade 3 of senior high. The situation was that at about seven oclock on the evening of August 5, Bian was finally sent to the You-dian Hospital. Teacher Li Song-wen and several other teachers, chair of the Congress Liu Jin, vice chair Song Bin-bin and several other students, were sending Bian to the hospital. Upon arrival, the hospital was not willing to take Bian at first, and requested an official document from the school. This was not possible in a short time, and no time could be wasted. Teacher Li signed his name as guarantee, obtaining the consent of six students, and wrote down their names whom he knew to share the responsibility. The hospital then started the rescue with this name list. Many years later, some teachers from the School of that time still expressed admiration of Teacher Lis courage. Of course, the rescue already couldnt work at this time. Recently, some the Schools alumna conducted thorough investigation on this name list. I hope it be published as soon as possible. And I just told a short story of it.    

 This list later fell into Mr. Wang Jingyao’s hand.  It seems Mr. Wang’s memory is not exactly correct.  This is normal as many years have passed. As a researcher, Mr. Wang should have conducted investigation, at least talked to Teach Li Songwen who was still alive.


The above five questions concern some central issues of the August 5 Incident. My description of this incident is different from Ms. Wangs.  Or the basic difference of my version and Wangs, is mirrored in these five aspects.

Now I like to return to question #4, and focus on the matter of Song Binbin. Frankly, when writing the thesis on the death of Bian Zhong-yun, I didnt want to involve Song Binbin. The reason was that I didnt find any evidence that Song organized the denouncement of Bian on August 5. If I didnt want to discuss Song Binbin because I didnt think it was relevant to earnest academic discussion, but like to deal with it now in earnest. This is because that Wang always always directs our attention to Song.  Also The opinion of Song Binbin/Song Yaowu being related to the August 5 Accident didnt not start from Ms. Wang, but has been circulated for decades. This phenomenon itself deserves attention from the historians. 

Carefully Reading Wanginvestigation on the death of Bian, it is not hard to see that Wang focused her attention on Song, but didnt make it clear on the relevance between Song and the August 5 accident.  Wang provides any evidence on neither Song taking part in planning the action of denouncing the school leaders, nor abusive language and beating behavior.  But in the meantime, Song is the only name mentioned in Wangs article, and this name frequently appears in Wangs description of the accident. Then, what is the relationship between Wang and the accident?  At this most crucial question, the reader can seemingly follow Wangs deduction: The August 5 accident was an action by the red guards. Song was in charge of the red guards. Thereafter, Song was responsible for the accident.  


 Wang You-qin emphasized Song Bin-bin’s role as groundless labeling her as ‘person in charge’, and all other events since the beginning of June, such as the writing of ‘the first big-character poster’, the establishment of the congress of teachers and students, reporting to Deng Xiaop-ping. Song was the only name mentioned. No other names were. 


 At the beginning of the cultural revolution, Song Binbin was indeed one of the major activists. But if we have to name a student as leader, this person should be Liu Jin, not Song Binbin. The author of the first big-character poster was Liu Jin. Song and another student were just signed their names. In the congress of teachers and students, the chair was Liu Jin. Song was one of four vice chairs.  But not as Ms. Wang said that the ‘director’ was the leader of work team, and Song and some others were ‘vice directors’. There is no evidence that Song was more important than Liu at the beginning of the cultural revolution.  For those who are familiar with the situation will feel somewhat strange if a discussion only mentions Song Binbin, but not Liu Jin.

But consider in earnest, it would not be strange. It was Song Yaowu who harmed Song Binbin, August 18 that rewrote the August 5 Accident, and also rewrote the history of the High School for Girls.


After Song Bin-bin wore the armband of red guard on Mao Ze-dongs arm on August 18, 1966, she became the symbol of red guards. She no longer belonged to herself, and was even not able to decide what name to take. It helps to add that after being notified of going to tian-an-men tower, it was Liu Jin made the decision that Song Bin-bin would take the 40 students to the stand, while she and most other students remained in the square). Because of Mao Ze-dong said: yao wu (take up arms),  for the people of whole country, Song Bin-bin became yao wu appointed by the emperor. After August 18, the situation in Beijing changed rapidly, which made Beijing the bottomless abyss of red terror, and red guards the synonym of disregarding laws and killing human lives like grass. What other term could generally represent the terrorism of rampant violence? And this Song Yao-wu was from a school where the principal was beaten to death. What else could symbolize better? Song Yao-wuimmediately became a striking sign, a concentration. In many peoples mind, the name Song Yao-wusymbolized the rudeness, tyranny, extreme ignorance of life by the children of CCPs children.  Dont forget that Song Binbins family background: she was the daughter of Song Renqiong, the Party Secretary of Northeastern China. This family background is what Wang Youqin intentionally reminds the reader of: Song Binbin is the daughter of senior CCP official and is from a school where the principal was beaten to death. Inadvertently, 19-year-old Song Binbin was burdened with a heavy historical and political crucifix.

‘Song Yaowu’ was rapidly becoming a legend walking everywhere in the nation.  In October 1966 when traveling with my classmates in Southern China, everywhere I read a pamphlet, saying how many people that Song had beaten up to death, I remember the number was six or seven. We all ignore it, feeling the story was too far from the truth. But she was ‘Song Yaowu’, she must have been part of beating the principal of her school to death. And she must have killed many people. This is why the appearance of above-mentioned pamphlet.


Unfortunately, many years after, Wang youqin is still not able to jump out of  the legend of Song Yaowu. Therefore, in her story, red guards were already in the High School in early August.  The red guards beat the principal to death. Song Yaowu was in charge of the red guards. And so forth.  So Song Binbin was the first rebellious student at the High School. Only this can make a complete legend of Song Binbinwith a beginning and an end. So the August 5 Incident has historic significance in Harriseyes. Song Binbin became the key person who gave historical significance to the August 5 Accident.  She linked the campus of High School for Girls on August 5 with the Tian-an-men Square on August 18. Therefore, it was impossible for her to feel uncertain on August 5 for the leaving of the work team, to slow responded after the denouncement of the school leaders, to dissuade in vain, to be not among the people who sent Bian to the hospital, to be not able to report the higher authorities with other students, but to be the person in charge of beating the principal to death.

美国有一位叫柯文的中国史学者,在他的题为《历史三调》的书里,谈到历史书写时,有这么一句话:What comes after cannot influence what came before Paul Cohen, History in Three Keys: The Boxers as Event, Experience, and Myth, NY: Columbia University, 1997, p.62/《历史三调:作为事件、经历和神话的义和团》,杜继东译,江苏人民出版社,2000),这句话的意思是,后面发生的事情不能倒过来影响已经发生了的事情。我在琢磨宋要武传说到底是怎么回事儿时,这句话给以我启迪。我们眼前看到的,是一个典型的后面发生的事情影响已经发生了的事情的例子。

Paul Cohen, American scholar on Chinese history,  in his History in Three Keys, says: What comes after cannot influence what came before. This sentence means: what happens after an event cannot move in front of the event to affect it. This sentence gave me revelation when I was figuring out the legend of Song Yaowu. What we have seen is a typical case of what happened after an eventaffects the event.    


In fact, this tendency of writing history discussed by Cohen is not rare in both China and the world, in both history and present. This phenomenon is everywhere in books on the history about Chinas cultural revolution. Lets take the research on Lin Biao as example. The September 13 accident eliminates the historical Lin Biao and his outstanding military service. A capable general became an incapable general. There are many other cases of this type in historical research in China in 20th century.  Fairness is lost. From this perspective, the case of the High School for Girls is not an isolated one.  In his book, Cohen discusses the phenomenon of myth, believing this is an important manner of relationship between people and the past, and affect people better than serious research. A case comes to my mind immediately, that is,  the Romance of Three Kingdoms is better known than the History of Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao must be the unscrupulous careerist in the Romance of Three Kingdoms. On the other hand, not many people know the real Cao Cao in history, nor are they interested in, the real Cao Cao in history. It is not proper the compare Song Binbin with Cao Cao. But it is true that people are more interested in Song Yaowu than the Song Binbin in real life. The reason for myths to last long is because they represent the suppressed pursuits in peoples mind. They even can become a manner by which people criticize reality, thus profoundly rooted among the people. Some myths are believed by the people.  Questioning them would incite massive angers. 

I feel that after many years of being fictionalized, the legend of Song Yaowu has already attained this feature. Questioning it would arouse strong emotional response. Ive experienced it after my article in the pen name of Bai Fang published in the Internet. It is interesting to note that the Song Yaowu legend has fans not only in China, but also in other countries. Harris is such a person. In China, not only ordinary people, but also some serious scholars, believe the story. Recently, a rather respected Chinese scholar repeated this legend in an article published in an influential jornal.  Cohen says that though myths deviate from historical reality, but are valuable in understanding the human mentality, spirits and emotions, helping research on history of the human mind. Scholars are human with belief in their mind. Sometimes they dont care much the fact, but intend to tell what they believe. Admittingly, the Song Yaowu legend is a good story, somewhat a moral reflection of todays China. But a good historical story may not be the true history. In fact, good historical story often are not the true history. As a historian, I have to tell the truth. No other choice is available to me. Mr. Harris said that I was a friend of Song Binbin and Liu Jin.  At first I didnt think it worth discussing, but later believe the manner of thinking had a problem. For different opinion, Harris didnt proceed discussion on the fact and points of view, but with guessing my relationship with Song Binbin and Liu Jin. This is not wise. It needs to write a long treatise to explain how the legend of Song Binbin has become as it is today, and why this legend is widely taken as historical fact. The bottom line is that the cultural revolution has never been exposed and criticized. People are not happy with many aspects of the reality in China. Closely relevant to. This is why I look at Wang Youqin with sympathetic understanding. 


In order to write this article, I browsed Wang youqin’s ‘Victims of the Cultural Revolution’ again, and was moved by her standing up to speak out for those who were persecuted to death during the cultural revolution. Though our descriptions of the August 5 Accident at the High School for Girls are different, we share the common goal of reminding people of an extremely bloody and cruel page of human history. We are both overseas, having many conveniences not available in China. At present, research on the cultural revolution is nearly a forbidden region in China. Under such circumstance, researchers with convenience must pay more attention to the accuracy of facts, and remember not replace facts with moral judgment. Political correctness cannot substitute accuracy of facts. Only insisting in this can the author stand firm in history. I agree with Hu Shih: Base every statement on facts. I like to share this statement with Ms. Wang for mutual encouragement.


Lastly, I like to tell Mr. Harris: youve raised a very good question: Who is responsible? Mr. Harris is not satisfied with that all responsibilities go to Mao Zedong.  Me either. But different from Harris, I dont think the tragedy of Bian Zhongyun is a legal issue that is easy to handle. Legal system is not omnipotent, particularly applying to events in a chaotic period of time created intentionally by a top ruler. Which one is the murderer when the beating was participated by many people in a chaotic situation? When revolution is not a dinner for invited guestshas become the supreme creed for many people, how to judge that how much free willand criteria for right and wronghave left to individuals?  This is not to deny personal responsibility, but to say that things are not so simple and clearly demarcated as between black and white, as Harris sees them. But I also believe that even in deranged times, room still exists for individual choice, not matter how limited it is.  I used to ask myself: If I had been present at the beating up, what would I have done? ,I know I would be extremely frightened. I even could have condemned the violence in front of me, but I would never have had gall to stop it. I dint have the moral courage.  The education I received could not make me to do it.  


I think that after more than 40 years, what we need to do today is not to catch the murderer, but confront our own conscience. Our hair is turning white.  Late at the quiet night, do we ever search in our own heart?  Our engagement in introspection can be individual only, just like we think about it each time we make decision on what to do. In my investigation on the death of Principal Bian, Ive found that many alumna and I have same question: why the students from the best school for girls in those days, could have done such bloody atrocities? We are all looking for answers.