Sunday, June 17, 2012


"The Cultural Revolution was initiated by Mao Zedong. But without the support of the nation, it would not have taken off. Calls for a Cultural Revolution in America would never receive such a universal response. Clearly, the common people of that time share a part of the responsibility. And the base of that group still exists today. This is China’s true danger."

茅 于轼:文化革命是毛泽东发起的。但是如果没有全国人民的响应也搞不起来。如果在美国文革的号召就不会有全国响应。可见当时的百姓也有部分责任。而今看来, 这部分的群众基础还在。这是中国真正的危险。有人说毛的本意是好的。果真如此的话,事后他应该有深刻的反省.

The above was written by Mao Yushi, a prominent Chinese economist.  Chinese governments, whether royal, red or black have always brutally suppressed opposition. It is not just brutal suppression though. China is the way that it is, was the way that it was, and will be however it will be because of the people of China. With their support emperors ruled until the 20th century.  With their support the Chinese government was communist from 1949-1976. With their support the current government is fascist. Through 5,000 years of history the Chinese people have never sustained democratic rule. 

Mao Yushi was the recipient of the Milton Friedman Prize in Washington a few weeks ago. The ceremony was interrupted by a demonstrator yelling in Chinese. The demonstrator later wrote of his demonstration that Mao Yushi was "a traitor to his country."