Sunday, June 03, 2012


Man, weird things have been happening in China in 2012.

Reuters reported Friday that the CIA had penetrated the Security Ministry, an unnamed aide there was arrested.  Reuters did not identify the mole by name and could only say that the arrest occurred sometime between January and March.  Chinese nationalism and racial pride make it very unusual for a person in a sensitive position to be aiding an enemy nation of "white" people.  Reuters' source characterizes the damage done by the spy: "The destruction has been massive."  Really?  The destruction hasn't been massive enough even to topple the head of the ministry Zhou Yongkang, on who's watch Wang Lijun fled to an American consulate, Bo Xilai covered up his wife's murder of Neil Heywood, and wire-tapped Hu Jintao, Chen Guangcheng escaped and fled to the American embassy in Beijing, and recently Chen's brother also escaped (before returning to the village where he had been detained).  Wow, Zhou is the teflon minister.

All those things happened just the way they've been reported in the West?  No Chinese ulterior motive to revealing all these things to foreign reporters?  Well then congratulations to the Obama administration for putting the first known spy in the center of the Center in many years.

Image: the sixth Google image with keyword "weird China."