Cambridge University! Wow. What's better, Oxford or Cambridge?
Wolverhampton University. What's better, Wolverhampton or Oxbridge?
Bergen University, Norway.
Rutgers University. Ruptures.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet, Frankfort. They should play Wolverhampton in some sport.
Vanderbilt University. Vandy should play Rutgers.
University de Los Andes, Bogotรก, Colombia. Ooh, Blogger put the thing over the "a." So scholarly of Blogger.
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. The In-sti-tute for Ad-vanced Stu-dy? That is the best yet. Einstein worked there. I didn't.
Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas.
University Hospital of Linkoping, Sweden. Uh..No, I don't think that counts.
God, that's an absurd portrait. It's even goofier enlarged.