Do presidents ever joke with one another? Actually, they do! Mao used to poke fun at Kissinger with Nixon and Ford all the time. Kosygin used to tease Kissinger about Kissinger's taste for young women. Kissinger replied one time, "You're just a dirty old man."
Humor is a wonderful solvent for melting ice. Once in court I desperately needed something from a prosecutor. She was hard-nosed and I was negotiating on my knees. Outraged at my request she denied me and walked across the courtroom to obtain validation from her supervisor. I watched as she stood there unmoving, her supervisor doing all the talking. A minute later she reapproached me, bearing still erect, and said, "Well, I have been talked off my anger ledge," and smiled. I had to turn away in laughter. She was poking gentle fun at herself and it was an endearing moment. Prosecutors and defense attorneys frequently joke, even, maybe moreso, in periods of greatest tension, in trial.
Obama and Putin both have a sense of humor. That photograph of Hasani and Putin, so reminding of Putin's body language with Obama, could be the subject of some good-natured fun-making.
Humor is a wonderful solvent for melting ice. Once in court I desperately needed something from a prosecutor. She was hard-nosed and I was negotiating on my knees. Outraged at my request she denied me and walked across the courtroom to obtain validation from her supervisor. I watched as she stood there unmoving, her supervisor doing all the talking. A minute later she reapproached me, bearing still erect, and said, "Well, I have been talked off my anger ledge," and smiled. I had to turn away in laughter. She was poking gentle fun at herself and it was an endearing moment. Prosecutors and defense attorneys frequently joke, even, maybe moreso, in periods of greatest tension, in trial.
Obama and Putin both have a sense of humor. That photograph of Hasani and Putin, so reminding of Putin's body language with Obama, could be the subject of some good-natured fun-making.