Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Soul of the Romani People: Survival.

"The passionately held view of most Gypsies is still that gadje are dangerous, not to be trusted, and, in the interest of the survival of the group, they are to be avoided except for dealings in business."
"Indeed deception, the gentler the better, is considered a duty. "We don't want you to know," the teacher of Romani had said. And what he was really talking about was survival."
"Among Gypsies, continual self-reinvention has been the primary tool of survival..."
"...the rigorous Gypsy value system which, in the interest of group survival, exists precisely to combat social mobility."
"...among Gypsies the act of survival, even identity itself, is a kind of victory..."

-Isabel Fonseca, Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey (1995).