Today resembled the Black Friday shopping rush in the U.S. for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), China's alternative to the U.S.-dominated Asian Development Bank, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund. It was a good Friday for the startup. 46 countries joined despite bad-mouthing from the U.S. including Taiwan, Great Britain, Germany, France, Australia, Norway, and Brazil. It was a "stampede" says the New York Times, "stunning" even the Chinese.
Chinese are a humble, traumatized, cautious, yet ambitious people. They do their homework. They remind me of a young Abraham Lincoln who wrote "I will study and get ready and someday my chance will come."
Chinese are a humble, traumatized, cautious, yet ambitious people. They do their homework. They remind me of a young Abraham Lincoln who wrote "I will study and get ready and someday my chance will come."