Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Florida "Warriors"?

I don't know what has gotten into the water in sports around the world. Chelsea from champs to chumps, Lei...Leicester, Kansas City "Royals," Carolina "Panthers," G----- S---- "Warriors."

The dadgum Florida "Panthers" just won their tenth game in a row.

Ladies and gentiles, I have seen this team with my own 20/400 eyes. I have seen them live and in person six times spanning the last two seasons, all wins by the way. I passed on passing judgment until the last game I saw, against Ottawa. And then, I said to my offspring: "They don't have elite players. Except for [goaltender Roberto] Luongo and [ancient Jaramir] Jagr, they're not very good." And that was after their fifth win in a row. Now it's ten.


I just don't see it. But then, I'm legally blind.