Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Attention Kmart Shoppers, Murder Special Aisle 11

They don't look Presbyterian. Oh, there he goes stereotyping again. Or Mexican.

So, Trump, you fascist (who is right about NATO), what say ye? Your only statement on this was to wax about how beautiful Brussels used to be. Now, you said, it's a hell-hole. How would you know if you hadn't been there in twenty years?

What should the U.S. do, if anything? You gonna offer to build a wall around Brussels for the Belgians? What if the Muslim terrorists were already there? What if they're already here in the U.S.? What if one of them is a citizen as the male San Bernardino Muslim terrorist was?

Does the U.S. still "bomb the shit out of ISIS"? (Say yes to that.) Why would we do that? You said yesterday you want a non-interventionist foreign policy, that you didn't want the U.S. to lead? Aren't we intervening if we bomb the shit? What did intervening get your gay lover, Putin? A plane bombed and over 200 killed.

What does the U.S. do right now, Trump?