Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Trump Is Going To Get Crushed In Wisconsin

His abortion fiasco today is going to kill him.

1. Insisting that the woman must be punished criminally is not a position that any pro-life group advocates.

2. It's how he really feels. As his preposterous defense of Corey Lewandowski was how he really felt. Both about women. Utilitarian objects, arm candy, servants, necessary annoyances.

3. It had to be dragged out of him. Major high-five to Chris Matthews for not letting Trump weasel his way out.

4. He said it! And more than once. And "He" is the most important word there because "his campaign" did the walk-back, in a prepared statement, "He" did not. That makes him look, even to his most ardent supporters, like the coward he is. HE'S A PUSSY!

5. With the walk-back he now sounds, even to his most ardent supporters, like "just another politician," one whose statements need walking-back, whose statements don't change, they "evolve."

6. It reveals him to be, as The New York Times interview did on foreign policy, as Ted Cruz said today, someone who "hasn't seriously thought through the issues." AND WHO DOESN'T KNOW SHIT!

Mrs. Clinton, I do apologize for these bad words, I can't help it, I'm ethnic Asshole.* Why would a just God give us bad words if he she did not intend us to use them?

*ps, I was quoting Trump with the P****