Sunday, June 25, 2017

Where is God's love and justice?! He took my younger son's life nine days ago with heart attack.He left the world alone at home with his wife and two children going to swim.

As you know, my older son has been sick in mind and mood harassing me almost everyday if not every minute....while my younger son was so capable and loving....

Late at night and very early in the morning I've been calling his name again and again,speaking to his soul tearfully....

Oh, my so-called Heavenly Father Jesus Christ, isn't it Too Much for me?

"Thank" the Lord for giving me one disaster after another...

Will you please tell this to Pastor Stockton when seeing him someday?

p.s. just two days before my son's death, my husband was swindled over $3000 on the phone.Such crimes, in different ways, are quite common here in China.Fortunately, my son did not know and he may learn about it in Heaven.

From a friend in China. Poor, poor thing. God bless her.