Thursday, December 27, 2018

Have You Taken Leave of Your Senses?

Did you seriously write 951 words on the definition of  “Christmastime” and whether Trump
visited Iraq during it, then instruct NBC to change their lede again or “stand legitimately accused of propogating fake news”?

Do you have any sense that you have embarrassed yourself? That you, professional pencils in general, have embarrassed yourselves generally with your coverage of this trip? You have been under constant attack by Trump and the stress cracked you today. I didn’t realize watching a person obsess and have a break down was so befuddling and funny.

You need to lie down and take a powder, all of you. You should go on vacation, give up the Trump beat for awhile. Have lots of drinks. Visit a whorehouse.

There are so many petty b.s. stories written by you—CNN, HuffPost, NBC—on this NON STORY.  Trump Obsession is GOOD! There is a lot to obsess on. Christmastime is not one of them.