Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Trump is so dumb—and Nancy Pelosi so adroit with the stiletto—that Trump can be bleeding out on the floor before he realizes she has shivved him. Again. She shivved him today; she shivs him whenever it pleases her to see him writhe with the same stupid, uncomprehending look on his face. Pelosi is playing a sly game of three dimensional chess against Trump, against impeaching Trump, against members of her caucus pressing her to allow impeachment to proceed. She's letting the clock run out on impeachment. She forestalls revolt with her shivving of Trump. She is convinced that the complete ruin of this man and of the lives of his Low Life followers, like my brother-the-klansman, which she, and I, desire above all other desiderata will come in 2020, that impeachment, well, "he is just not worth it." She means, impeachment is not going to happen, not with the Senate controlled by the Low Life's. She is right about the practicality of impeachment. She may be right, or she may not be, that this is the Final Conflict. She may be right, or she may not be, that if this is the Final Conflict, that Trump and the Low Lifes will be utterly ruined, with finality. She has a multi-level plan and I am a following my Leader.