Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Come again?

TORONTO (AP) — The father of one of the suspects in the murders of an American woman and her Australian boyfriend as well as the death of another man said Wednesday he expects a nationwide manhunt to end in the death of his son, who is on “a suicide mission.”

On Monday he told us the two pink butterflies were “survivalists” who had been planning this survival trip for 2 1/2 years. Now it’s a suicide mission? Hey, it’s only Wednesday, you can still change your story again before the week is out. 

Schmegelsky’s father, Alan Schmegelsky, said Wednesday his son had a troubled upbringing and is in “very serious pain.” His son struggled through his parents’ acrimonious split in 2005 and his main influences became video games and YouTube, he said.

“A normal child doesn’t travel across the country killing people. A child in some very serious pain does,” Schmegelsky told Canadian Press in an interview. Alan Schmegelsky said he expects his son will die in a confrontation with police.

“He’s on a suicide mission. He wants his pain to end,” he said, breaking down into tears. “Basically, he’s going to be dead today or tomorrow. I know that. Rest in peace, Bryer. I love you. I’m so sorry all this had to happen.”

Oh my God, that is so painful to read. As a parent, it just breaks my heart. But why Mr Schmegelsky have you given us diametrically opposed stories? You are not being straight with us now or you were not being straight with us Monday. You cannot have been straight with us both days! Speaking of “straight,” Freudian slip there, why are you dancing around Bryer’s “pain”? Why is all of Canada dancing around Bryer’s pain? The child is GAY! Say it! Say it, Canada: BRYER SCHMEGELSKY AND KAM MCLEOD ARE GAY! That is the source of Bryer’s pain! It was not video games and YouTube. Now, what this has to DO with this murder spree...Is this like a gay Thelma and Louise? Has anybody from RCMP—or AP, for that matter—talked to McLeod’s parents? Maybe having talked to this fucking guy, Alan, they don’t think they can get a straight story out of them either! Pisses me off.

Even if his son is caught, his life will be over, the father said. “He wants his hurt to end. They’re going to go out in a blaze of glory. Trust me on this.”

You know what, Mr Schmegelsky, you’re losing all sympathy with me, all credibility. “Trust me on this”?! Trust YOU on this? No. I don’t trust you on shit. And let me tell you something else, Alan, you are WRONG that Bryer is going to be dead soon. This isn’t fucking America, this is Canada. The RCMP is not going to kill your son. If the boys are northeast of Gillam they’re caught between the Mounties and the deep blue. And if neither side surprises the other by their presence this will turn into a hostage situation in effect and the Mounties will wait ‘em out. They’ll send in skilled, psychologically trained negotiators and talk the boys out of suicide and they won’t get close enough to encourage a firefight. ALL OF THAT IF YOU’RE TELLING THE TRUTH NOW, ALAN, YOU FUCKING FUCK! If they’re survivalists like you said on Monday, then yeah, Bryer and Kam are probably not going to survive.