Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What is going on here? Kam McLeod, 19, and Bryer Schmegelsky, 18, are both 6’ 4” and both weigh 169 pounds. They both come Port Alberni, British Columbia. And they’re making like some modern Canadian Bonnie and Clyde leaving a trail of bodies and burned cars from west to east across northern Canada. What is the motive for this? Is this a Columbine like thing? What is the plan, Stans? They are now thought to be in the area around Gillam, pop, like 1200 or something, a town in northern Manitoba with one road in and out--The Mounties are on that road, by the way.--and their backs are to the Bering Sea or the Arctic Ocean or whatever. Schmegelsky‘s father says they’ve been survivalists for 2 1/2 years. Oh yeah? Well, they need to go back for a refresher course. Look at that map. It's like a chessboard. The Mounties know their every move since July 15 and are a step behind them. Their faces, looking just like that too, are on clear-as-day video at a convenience store in Saskatchewan. The easiest place to find someone is in a place with no people! What do you think, the police are going to mistake you for two Moose? You want to hide you drastically change your appearances and go to a big city and blend in. You don't go to frigging Gillam, Manitoba. They’re trapped. Check and mate. Bizarre case.