Friday, July 26, 2019

Dangerous Times

This is a dangerous time for the people of Amerika 2.0. If IllegiTrump again steals the presidential election in 2020 it will be a deadly dangerous time for Amerika.2.0’s adversaries. IllegiTrump’s approval is at an all-time high (still more disapprove than approve), it is a very plausible he will steal four more years; he knows this and is determined not to jeopardize his chances by being Trump. Specifically, he knows that the people do not want more war, do not want an additional war; he knows that his disapproval reached its apex when he and Kim Jong-un were flexing their nuclear buttons. He has neutered Kim, although not brought peace, and he has ignored Kim’s missile launches, two just yesterday, in this let’s make love, not war phase. He pulled out of the Iran agreement; Iran has responded by enriching uranium and seizing tankers in the Gulf, and Trump had authorized a strike on Iran before pulling back literally while Amerikan warplanes were en route to targets. Trump knows that any recrudescence with the DPRK and especially any war with Iran will kill his chances of stealing reelection. This is a dangerous time for Amerika 2.0 therefore for it is incentive for those two nations to goad Trump into precipitate action that would make him a dead man walking politically.

If IllegiTrump stays his hand through 2020 and steals reelection, then the next four years will be a time of maximum danger for the DPRK, Iran, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Mexico and more. IllegiTrump will be unbound, unglued, his natural state, and will strike without hesitation. Not “could,” not “will be tempted to,” will. He will attack Iran and perhaps others.